

Hung-Tao Lin
林弘韜 (所有作品)
冰淇淋公路旅行 Ísbíltúr
網路價 NT$ : 498
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好有感覺音樂 (發行商品)
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●臺灣鋼琴家、影視作曲家 林弘韜首張個人專輯
●四座葛萊美獎得主 美國錄音大師Scott Fraser錄製
●捷克混音師Vojtěch Zavadil 傾力打造沈浸式聲響體驗
●亞美尼亞籍國際大提琴家  Vardan Gasparyan  優美琴音注入


冰島語 “Ísbíltúr” 意指「冰淇淋公路旅行」——無論陰晴圓缺、途中停留多少景點,最終目的地是冰淇淋店的公路旅行;但冰淇淋不是重點,沿途的景色與歷程才是。11首曲目是一趟情緒旅程,以時而即興的鋼琴、電子樂器與大提琴等串連而成;專輯開頭有冰島雷克雅維克的風聲,在〈家鄉的海灘〉有著臺南安平的海浪聲,最後在〈返始〉的尾聲出現第一首的旋律。專輯於洛杉磯錄製、布拉格混音、臺灣裝幀:國際團隊傾力打造真實又情緒充沛的音樂旅程。




來自臺南的鋼琴家、作曲家林弘韜,畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學電影系以及美國南加州大學音樂院音樂藝術博士,主修鋼琴師事Kevin Fitz-Gerald教授,副修電影音樂師事奧斯卡入圍Bruce Broughton教授。曾獲李安獎學金、教育部留學獎學金以及「洛杉磯李斯特國際鋼琴大賽」布達佩斯獎。近年舉辦『電影室內樂之夜』、『映像』鋼琴獨奏會、『黃裕翔&林弘韜10+10四手聯彈』以及『性格』鋼琴獨奏會。










“A road trip that flows like a river."  


The Icelandic term 'Ísbíltúr' refers to an 'ice cream road trip'—regardless of the number of stops, the destination is an ice cream shop. Embarking on an Ísbíltúr is about more than just indulging in frozen treats; it is about appreciating the scenery and embracing the experiences along the journey. These 11 tracks form an emotional voyage down a river with many detours (some planned, others improvised) woven together by the sounds of the piano, cello, and electronic instruments. The journey starts with the sound of the wind from Reykjavík. 'Hometown Beach’ features the sound by the sea from Anping Beach in Tainan. The last track, ‘Da Capo’ ends with a reprise of the melody from the first track.


Near the end of the pandemic in Summer 2022, I traveled to Scott’s scenic recording studio in Los Angeles, recording with cellist Vardan. Later that year, I mixed the album with Vojtěch in Prague and felt each track become infused with his story-filled imaginative approach. Returning to Taiwan, the final touches took shape—Chia-Wei recorded the guitar parts on short notice and Chiao sang her high notes while battling Covid. Neil patiently made the album cover and package, and colleagues from Feeling Good Music assisted me with distribution. There are many people to thank along the way... It has been an honor to collaborate with these artists who share the same vision. Most importantly, it is each one of you who took the time to experience this album; your participation completes the “ice cream road trip”. 





收合CD 1

1. 冰淇淋公路旅行 Ísbíltúr
2. 汐 Night tide
3. 巴哈 Bach
4. 序言 Prologue
5. 漫步 Wandering
6. 降B B-flat
7. 流 Stream
8. 尾聲 Epilogue
9. 家鄉的海灘 Hometown beach
10. 瀝青公路上的白鍵 White keys on an asphalt road
11. 返始 Da Capo