

Romeo and Juliet – Tchaikovsky on the Piano (SACD)
羅密歐與茱麗葉 柴可夫斯基 / 葛令卡作品改編 (SACD)
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羅密歐與茱麗葉/花之圓舞曲/夜曲 柴可夫斯基/葛令卡鋼琴作品改編版
蘇德賓 鋼琴

蘇德賓在解說小冊子中說記得他開始接觸古典音樂時就愛上柴可夫斯基的音樂. 在這張專輯中, 這位鋼琴家介紹一組鋼琴曲和這位偉大的俄羅斯作曲家的管弦樂作品改編給鋼琴獨奏與四手聯彈, 並先以柴可夫斯基本人很喜愛的葛令卡(路斯蘭與魯密拉)序曲來揭幕. 蘇德賓選擇的鋼琴作品橫跨柴可夫斯基二十多年事業生涯, 包含(四季)中曾經流行的的六月(船歌), 十一月(三駕雪橇), 還有作曲家最後的鋼琴作品, 18首鋼琴小品, 作品72中的三首. 除了這些還加入(胡桃鉗)和(睡美人)中的兩首華爾滋舞曲, 在此他和十二歲女兒貝菈擔任主奏(primo), 以四手聯彈演奏此改編曲.

可是, 這張的重點是蘇德賓改編著名的(羅密歐與茱麗葉)幻想序曲, 根據蘇德賓的說法:"作曲家裸露出他的靈魂, 在此可找到一些他最不可思議的音樂". 對這位鋼琴家而言, 在柴可夫斯基的音樂中展現出的人類感情的難以控制與脆弱性幾乎是無與倫比的, 而他在這張專輯中的表現證明了這一點.

In his liner notes Yevgeny Sudbin remembers falling in love with Tchaikovsky's music when he was introduced to classical music On this album the pianist presents a collection of piano pieces and arrangements for piano, solo and four hands of orchestral works by the great Russian composer preceding it with a curtain raiser much loved by Tchaikovsky himself Mikhail Glinka's Overture to Ruslan and Ludmila The piano pieces selected by Sudbin spans some twenty years of Tchaikovsky 's career and takes in the ever popular Barcarolle (and Troika ( from The Seasons as well as three pieces from the composer 's last work for piano, the 18 Pieces Op 72 To these are added two waltzes from The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty here performed in four hand piano arrangements with Sudbin's 12 year old daughter Bella playing the 'promo' part.

The piece de resistance of this album, however, is Sudbin's arrangement of the famous overture fantasy Romeo and Juliet in which the composer, according to Sudbin, Sudbin,'lays bare his soul and where some of his most incredible music can be found' To the pianist, the rawness and vulnerability of human emotions' displayed in Tchaikovsky's music is almost unparalleled, something which his own performance here serve to confirm.

Mikhail Glinka (1804—57)
1 ) Ruslan and Ludmila, overture (arr. Sudbin) 5''28
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840—93)
2 ) Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker 6''38
for piano four hands (arr. Sudbin)
3 ) Dumka. Scene rustique Russe, Op. 59 8''30
4—5 ) from The Seasons, Op. 37 6''45
November (Troika) · June (Barcarolle)
6—7 ) Two Pieces, Op. 10 6''42
Nocturne · Humoresque
8 ) Nocturne, Op. 19 No. 4 3''25
9—11 ) from 18 Pieces, Op. 72 10''33
Tendres reproches · Valse a cinq temps · Chant elegiaque
12 ) Waltz from The Sleeping Beauty 3''48
for piano four hands (arr. Rachmaninov/Sudbin)
13—16 ) Romeo and Juliet, overture-fantasy 20''27
(arr. Sudbin)
TT: 73''58
Yevgeny Sudbin piano
Bella Sudbin primo (tracks 2 & 12)