漢斯季默/麗莎傑拉德 Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard
All Music Written by Hans Zimmer, except:
*Written by Lisa Gerrard
+Written by Lisa Gerrard and Klaus Badelt
**Written by Hans Zimmer, Lisa Gerrard and Klaus Badelt
++Written by Hans Zimmer and Djivan Gasparyan
2000年最暢銷的電影原聲帶非「神鬼戰士」莫屬,全球銷售量迄今已經大破三百萬張。電影原聲帶最為人稱道之處便在於其緊扣心的旋律、氣勢磅礡的音揚,與驚心動魄的音效,而這張電影帶續篇的成果亦不遑多讓,令人震顫不已。在「續篇」中,收錄主題曲“Now We Are Free"的重新混音、電影中之對白、原聲帶中未收錄的音樂,以及未曾在電影中出現的精彩音樂,另外還有許多另類才女麗莎‧潔若令人目眩神迷的演唱。其悲壯的豪情與發燒的音響效果與原聲帶等量齊觀,讓影迷驚喜不已。
關於電影》 三度提名金獎大導-雷利·史考特(《異形》、《銀翼殺手》、《黑鷹計劃》、《美國黑幫》、《普羅米修斯》、《絕地救援》)執導的史詩電影『神鬼戰士』,由
編號 | 曲名 |
1. | Progeny 2.15 |
2. | The Wheat * 1.03 |
3. | The Battle 10.02 |
4. | Earth 3.02 |
5. | Sorrow + 1.26 |
6. | To Zucchabar ++ 3.16 |
7. | Patricide 4.08 |
8. | The Emperor is Dead + 1.21 |
9. | The Might of Rome 5.18 |
10. | Strength and Honor 2.10 |
11. | Reunion + 1.14 |
12. | Slaves to Rome 1.00 |
13. | Barbarian Horde 10.33 |
14. | Am I Not Merciful? 6.33 |
15. | Elysium + 2.41 |
16. | Honor Him 1.20 |
17. | Now We Are Free ** 4.14 |
編號 | 曲名 |
1. | Duduk of the North (5:35) |
2. | Now We Are Free (Juba’s Mix) (4:39) |
3. | The Protector of Rome Featuring Russell Crowe and Richard Harris (1:28) |
4. | Homecoming Featuring Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe (3:38) |
5. | The General Who Became a Slave (3:05) |
6. | The Slave Who Became a Gladiator Featuring Oliver Reed and Russell Crowe (6:14) |
7. | Secrets (2:01) |
8. | Rome Is the Light (2:46) |
9. | All That Remains (0:57) |
10. | Maximus *Guitar by Heitor Pereira (1:11) |
11. | Marrakesh Marketplace *Written by Jeff Rona (0:44) |
12. | The Gladiator Waltz Featuring Russell Crowe/Original synth demo version by Hans Zimmer (8:27) |
13. | Figurines *Yan Ching by Lisa Gerrard (1:04) |
14. | The Mob (2:25) |
15. | Busy Little Bee Featuring Connie Nielsen and Russell Crowe (3:50) |
16. | Death Smiles At Us All Featuring Russell Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix (2:32) |
17. | Not Yet Featuring Djimon Hounsou (1:33) |
18. | Now We Are Free (Maximus Mix) (3:49) |