

電視原聲帶 (所有作品)
High School Musical: The Musical : The Series
歌舞青春 電視劇原聲帶
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★Olivia Rodrigo、Joshua Bassett、Sofia Wylie、Dara Reneé等演員輪番演唱

★收錄"Stick to the Status Quo"、"What I've Been Looking For"、"Breaking Free"等經典曲目



【歌舞青春】系列電影,是風靡千禧年之後億萬青少年的經典校園青春音樂喜劇,陪伴著無數人成長,也成為迪士尼至今最為成功的系列電影之一,甚至還發行了音樂劇【High School Musical on Stage!】。有鑑於電影合音樂劇的成功,加上推出「Disney+」的風潮,迪士尼重金重啟歌舞青春,打造了【High School Musical: The Musical: The Series歌舞青春】電視劇,並且以「偽」紀錄片的形式,策劃一齣全新的電視戲劇;此次的故事內容同樣設定在「East High School」,劇中的學生們將一起籌備學校有史以來首部音樂劇表演,而這樣的過程之中,將會伴隨著各式各樣的大小事,青春、淚水、歡笑的交織,為了音樂劇開幕夜的倒數,建構出最精彩的青春樣貌。劇中請到了Joshua Bassett、Olivia Rodrigo、Kate Reinders、Sofia Wylie、Matt Cornett、Dara Reneé等新科演員挑大梁,演與唱同步進行的表演模式,展現了他們對於演藝的熱情和付出,注定要寫下【歌舞青春】的全新高峰。



【High School Musical: The Musical: The Series歌舞青春】的電影原聲帶,由主要演員Joshua Bassett、Olivia Rodrigo、Kate Reinders、Sofia Wylie、Matt Cornett、Dara Reneé等人親自上陣演唱,也有多首曲目事由全體演員共同演出的精彩曲目。原本【歌舞青春】系列電影的原聲帶,累積在全球賣出超過1600萬張的銷售紀錄,可說是青春歌舞劇電影原聲帶中的佼佼者,歷年的單曲也有5首闖入告示牌熱門單曲榜Top40,寫下樂壇的輝煌紀錄。這次的【High School Musical: The Musical: The Series歌舞青春】電影原聲帶,蒐羅電影系列中的經典曲目,包括"Stick to the Status Quo"、"What I've Been Looking For"、"Breaking Free"等,並且擁有全新原創歌曲"Wondering"、"I Think I Kinda, You Know",新舊結合之下,將【歌舞青春】的回憶帶入之餘,更開創了嶄新的故事與傳奇,將此一全球賣座的系列巨作再次延續。


收合CD 1

1. I Think I Kinda, You Know - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo
2. Start of Something New - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo
3. I Think I Kinda, You Know - Performed by Joshua Bassett
4. Start of Something New - Performed by Matt Cornett
5. Start of Something New - Performed by Sofia Wylie
6. I Think I Kinda, You Know - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett
7. Wondering - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Julia Lester
8. Wondering - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Julia Lester
9. Stick to the Status Quo - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
10. A Billion Sorrys - Performed by Matt Cornett
11. What I've Been Looking For - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Matt Cornett
12. All I Want - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo
13. Bop to the Top - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Dara Reneé
14. Born to Be Brave - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
15. When There Was Me and You - Performed by Joshua Bassett
16. Truth, Justice and Songs in Our Key - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
17. Out of the Old - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo
18. Role of a Lifetime - Performed by Kate Reinders (Featuring - Lucas Grabeel)
19. Get'cha Head in the Game - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
20. Stick to the Status Quo - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
21. Just for a Moment - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett
22. Breaking Free - Performed by Olivia Rodrigo and Joshua Bassett and Matt Cornett
23. We're All in This Together - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
24. We're All in This Together - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
25. I Think I Kinda, You Know - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
26. Wondering - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
27. Born to Be Brave - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
28. We're All in This Together - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
29. The Medley, The Mashup - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
30. We're All in This Together - Performed by Cast of High School Musical: The Musical: The Series