

Non-Confined Space(非/密閉空間) (所有作品)
Flow, Gesture, and Spaces
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2020   第三十一屆金曲獎得獎作品

  • 演奏類最佳專輯製作人獎



非/密閉空間 Non-Confined Space 是由鄭各均Sonic Deadhorse (Guitar,Electronic,Live Visual)以及謝明諺Minyen Hsieh



(On the artists)

Non-Confined Space is an electronic improv duo created by Sonic Deadhorse (Guitar, Electronic, Live Visual) and Minyen Hsieh (Saxophones, Woodwinds) in 2014. Each has been treading in the ponds called Experimental Electronica and Contemporary Jazz respectively for many years, now they are back with a bounty of brand new chops.

 Atom dicing up live samplings of their own sound, rearranging the microparticles, and then responding (or not responding) to them in real-time, Non-Confined Space breaks through the wall of genre to trailblaze on new ground. The duo encourages the spectators (or witnesses, even) to join in on the jam with their own unique perspectives to give meaning to the art they perceive.



物件與織體,將隱喻的符號結構轉化為聲響具象化,所有聲音發聲的關連皆非必然。用一種被遺忘很久的結構化美學思維,以"音階"以及"發聲物件"為方法,拆解對符徵以及文本的刻版想像,非線性但有秩序地重新組織排列。透過簡單的訊號串連,社會化單純不可預測的噪音,以及那些潛在符旨轉化的再現。自由即興往往不單在於器樂與表演者的肌肉記憶,更多的時候它是關乎意識能量的流動,可能是Sun Ra般盲目的拜神,可能是Archie Shepp無政府式的暴動,也可能是精細計算過的混亂狀態。在多次的演出經驗中加入3D向量維度的變因,藉由肢體的互動讓聲響的本質(如音高、音長、織體)在空間中具象化。運用肢體與互動裝置在演出中當作一種介質,讓聲音可以透過身體轉譯、再造、錯置及再現,也可以透過即時取樣讓去符旨的聲響重構。我們挑戰的不只是一場單純的跨界,而是一場命題未知的實驗。


(On the album)

Objects and textures


Realizing this metaphorical symbolism into sound


Sonically, nothing out of necessities


Summon the long forgotten structural aesthetics

Apply scales and sounding objects as method

Deconstruct the tedious symbols and legends

Reroute them non-linearly, but orderly


Connecting the signals

Sublimating the pure, unpredictable noises

The reemergence of subtle messages from the symbols


Not confined in the realm of muscle memory between instruments and performers

Free-Improv always resides in the flow of conscious


In the blindly fanatic worship of Sun Ra


In the anarchist riots by Atchie Shepp


Or it could be just a well calculated, controlled-chaos


Throw in a new dimension to live performance as a variable

Reify the essence of the sound


Be it the pitch


The length


Or the texture,


Use the interaction of limbs, bodies, and gadgets within the performance as the medium


To translate




Or transcend the sound


Or even a live-sampling reconstruction of the desymbolized sound


We are not just taking on the dull crossover

But an experiment into the unknown


收合CD 1

1. Quantum Entanglement 量子纏繞
2. Non-Confined Space 非/密閉空間
3. Serotonin Cell 血清素神經元
4. Into the Flow 入。流
5. Entropy 熵
6. Triarchic Opposition 三元對立
7. Melodic Gesture 曲形
8. Causal Loop 時空悖論
9. │Pxz-Pzy│≦1+Pxy 貝爾不等式
10. The Innards of Time 時間的內部構造