Leonard Slatkin - The American Collection (13CD)
《典範大師套裝系列161》史拉特金指揮美國作品選集 13CD
網路價 NT$ : 999

雷歐納‧史拉特金Leonard Slatkin (指揮)
聖路易交響樂團Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra
美國國家交響樂團National Symphony Orchestra

    美國《洛杉磯時報》盛讚史拉特金為「全美音樂總監」。
    專輯收錄史拉特金與聖路易交響樂團與美國國家交響樂團合作演出之美國作曲家作品。
    本輯13CD為愛樂者鑑賞美國作曲家不可或缺的參考範本。

史拉特金是當今炙手可熱的指揮家,美國《洛杉磯時報》盛讚他為「全美音樂總監」(America's Music Director)。他的成功之處並不在於名氣,而在於有能力拓展樂團的彈性、開拓更多不為人重視的曲目。除了指揮之外,也常擔任音樂廣播的節目主持,包括BBC廣播電台,提供他廣博的知識與專業評論。

史拉特金生於洛杉磯的音樂世家,父親、母親、叔叔、弟弟都是音樂家。後來進入茱莉亞音樂學院攻讀。最初追隨接掌聖路易交響樂團的恩師華爾特‧蘇斯金(Walter Susskind)擔任助理指揮。1979年成為聖路易斯交響樂團的音樂總監。並擔任美國底特律交響樂團的音樂總監,成為該樂團歷史上第12任音樂總監,任期從2008-09年樂季開始。之前,史拉特金也擔任美國國家交響樂團的音樂總監(1996)、BBC交響樂團首席指揮(2000)、皇家愛樂樂團的首席客座指揮,匹茲堡交響樂團的常任客席指揮。

這套專輯收錄了史拉特金與聖路易交響樂團與美國國家交響樂團合作演出之美國作曲家作品,包含艾維士(Charles Ives)、柯普蘭(Aaron Copland)、匹茲頓(Walter Piston)、伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)、威廉‧舒曼(William Schuman)、柯里利亞諾(John Corigliano)、蘇沙(John Philip Sousa)、維吉‧湯馬森(Virgil Thomson)、維特‧赫伯特(Victor Herbert)、葛羅菲(Ferde Grofé)、雷洛伊‧安德森(Leroy Anderson)、莫頓‧顧爾德(Morton Gould),另外也演出了美國國歌及「共和國戰歌」。





Leroy Anderson
1.    Belle of the Ball
2.    The Phantom Regiment
3.    The First Day of Spring
4.    Sleigh Ride
5.    Plink, Plank, Plunk!
6.    Blue Tango
7.    Forgotten Dreams
8.    Bugler's Holiday
9.    The Penny-Whistle Song
10.    Clarinet Candy
11.    Horse and Buggy
12.    A Trumpeter's Lullaby
13.    Fiddle Faddle
14.    Jazz Pizzicato
15.    Jazz Legato
16.    The Syncopated Clock
17.    Sandpaper Ballet
18.    The Typewriter
19.    The Waltzing Cat
20.    Promenade
21.    Saraband
22.    Serenata
23.    Balladette
24.    Arietta
25.    Home Stretch


Songfest - A Cycle of American Poems for Six Singers and Orchestra
I. Opening Hymn
1.    To the Poem
II. Three Solos
2.    1. The Pennycandystore Beyond the El
3.    2. A Julia de Burgos
4.    3. To What You Said
III. Three Ensembles
5.    1. Duet: "I, Too, Sing America"
6.    2. Trio "To My Dear and Loving Husband"
7.    3. Duet: "Storyette H.M."
IV. Sextet
8.    "If you can't eat you got to"
V. Three Solos
9.    1. "Music I Heard With You"
10.    2. "Zizi's Lament"
11.    3. Sonnet: "What My Lips Have Kissed"
VI. Closing Hymn
12.    Israfel
Seven Anniversaries
13.    Seven Anniversaries, No. 5: In Memoriam Nathalie Kossevitzky
14.    Arcana


Aaron Copland
1-3. Symphony for Organ and Orchestra (1924)
4-6. Dance Symphony (1929)
7-9. Short Symphony (Symphony No. 2) [1932-33]
10. Orchestral Variations (1957)


Aaron Copland
  The Red Pony
1. Morning on the Ranch
2. The Gift
3. Dream March
4. Circus Music
5. Walk to the Bunkhouse
6. Grandfather's Story
7. Happy Ending
8. Our Town
9. The Heiress Suite

   Music for Movies
10. New England Countryside (From "The City")
11. Barley Wagons (From "Of Mice and Men")
12. Sunday Traffic (From "The City")
13. Grovers Corners (From "Our Town")
14. Threshing Machines (From "Of Mice and Men")
15. Prairie Journal (Music for Radio)


Aaron Copland
1-4. Symphony No. 3
5-8. Music for a Great City


John Coriglian
1. Of Rage and Remembrance (Chaconne based upon Symphony No. 1, Movement III)
2-5. Symphony No. 1


John Coriglian
1. Tournaments
2. Fantasia on an Ostinato (Version for Orchestra)
3. Elegy
4-7. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra


Charles Ives
Three Places in New England
1. The "St. Gaudens" in Boston Common
2. Putnam's Camp, Redding, Connecticut
3. The Housatonic at Stockbridge
4. March III with the air "Old Kentucky Home"
5. The Unanswered Question
6. Central Park in the Dark
7. Fugue in Four Keys on "The Shining Shore"
8-10. Symphony No. 3 "The Camp Meeting"


William Schuman
1. American Festival Overture
2-4. New England Triptych
5. Variations on "America"
6-8. Symphony No. 10, "American Muse"


Walter Piston
The Incredible Flutist
1. Introduction: Siesta in the Marketplace
2. Entrance of the Vendors
3. Entrance of the Customers
4. Tango of the Merchant's Daughters
5. Arrival of the Circus
6. Circus March
7. The Flutist
8. Minuet
9. Spanish Waltz
10. Siciliana: Dance of the Flutist and the Merchant's Daughter
11. Polka Finale
12-14. Three New England Sketches
15-18. Symphony No. 6


Joseph Schwantner
1. Velocities (Moto perpetuo) for solo marimba
2-4. Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra
5. New Morning for the World: "Daybreak of Freedom"


1. Aaron Copland : Fanfare for the Common Man
2. Morton Gould : American Salute
3. Washington Post March : John Philip Sousa
  William Schuman : New England Triptych
4. III. Chester
5. Charles Ives;William Schuman : Variations on "America"
  Morton Gould : American Symphonette No. 2
6. Pavane
  Victor Herbert : Babes in Toyland
7. March of the Toys
8. Joan Tower : Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman, No. 1
  Aaron Copland : Rodeo
9. Hoe-Down
10. Virgil Thomson : Prelude
11. Virgil Thomson : Pastoral (Grass)
   Ferde Grofé : Grand Canyon Suite
12. On The Trail
13. Minor Reflection
14. America the Beautiful
15. The Stars and Stripes Forever
16. Taps
17. The Star-Spangled Banner


1. Fanfare for the Common Man
  New England Triptych
2. I. Be glad then, America
3. Festival Overture on the "Star Spangled Banner"
4. National Emblem March
5. Fugue and Chorale on "Yankee Doodle" for Orchestra
6. American Fantasia for Orchestra
7. El Capitan
8. Battle Hymn of the Republic
9. Servicemen on Parade for Orchestra
10. Lincoln Portraits